• Rufus says, “No, thanks. Try again tomorrow.”

  • Rough day in Dingusland. Made friends with the two tradesfolk who came by in the morning, ran a couple of errands with me (guarded the car), spent some time NOT chasing the ball out back, and ‘helped’ me with revisions (supervising from the couch, naturally).

  • 20 minutes. He spent 20 minutes like this, being yelled at by a juvenile squirrel. 🤦🏼‍♂️

  • Chuck Wendig with the best summary of the recent…kerfuffle around GenAI (spurred by the NaNoWriMo announcement that’s sent everyone into a tizzy). For the record, I agree with Chuck.

  • Now he’s “helping” me revise…

  • Rufus has no idea what you’re talking about, he totally fits in my lap.

  • I’m at the point in revisions (on my first novel) where, frankly, I’ll settle for ‘more or less coherent.’

  • Ladies and gentlemen - Sir Dingus.

  • Well…I was meditating.

  • “Oy! Quit licking the cabinets.”

    Is a thing I just said.

  • And just like that, it’s Wednesday again which means this week’s edition of I Like How You Think is live!

    This week I try to see the bright side of being laid off and look at how the ability to flip your perspective can open up whole realms of possibilities.

  • Crosspost time!

    This week’s edition of I Like How You Think is up and ready for your eyes and minds.

  • I'm a writer.

    I just posted/sent an essay/newsletter (yeah, I’m not sure how to call what just yet) that starts with the line:

    I’m a writer.

    It took until I saw the email land in my inbox to realize something. That’s the first time I’ve written that line for public consumption. I’ve been saying it for a while, mostly in response to the question, “So, what do you do?” since it’s actually more straightforward than trying to explain content marketing or executive ghostwriting.

    Imposter syndrome?

    I’m sure that’s part of it. But I feel like a bigger part is that I’m still in shock and awe that I can say I write for a living (no, the irony of currently being “between jobs” is not lost). After making the career jump I talk about in that piece, I wrestled with what to call myself for, well, years before finally coming up with a pitch version. I’ve already forgotten what that pitch was. Now, I just say, “I’m a writer,” and let the questioner figure out their next question. And if they don’t, cool, at least they know what I know.

    I’m a writer.

    (I am, however, still working out what posts show up where, so apologies if you see dups. And finally, if you’d like to discuss brand marketing and/or executive ghostwriting, I am working with private clients and would love to chat!)

  • Not sure if you need an account or not, but if you’re curious about my fiction writing I just submitted my first short story to a weekly prompt contest over at Reedsy and would love it if you’d take a look!

    Just Another Day in Tech

  • Notes from a coffee shop:

    A couple walked in, her wearing a front carrier and him a Pokemon backpack, my first thought was, “Aw, little geeks in the making!” Then she turned around…it was a cat. She had a cat in a front carrier.

  • Look what just arrived!

    Excited to jump in later this evening, thanks as always for what you do, @patrickrhone!

  • This. This pretty much sums up the mind of an anxious HSP…all the time. (via Chuck Wendig)

  • I wonder how he really feels?

  • My timeline is acting up and has nearly an hour gap covering when I posted this over on Mastodon…so just gonna put it right here:

    The author uses a few too many $5 words for a piece targeting a general audience, but he makes some spot-on points about where we are with AI/LLMs.

  • A clear and concise summary of why I’m starting to question my own desire to stay remote with my next day job.

  • I think Eric Barker is my spirit writer.

  • 5 Things I Learned in the ER Last Week:

    1. The Apple Health app won’t capture how far you pace if you don’t leave your room as your GPS location doesn’t change.

    2. CT scan tubes could be a smidge bigger.

    3. Orderlies don’t get enough respect, they’re awesome.

    4. The ER is no place for an Empath.

    5. Try not to get hit by 4Runners being driven by dipshits.

    BONUS: Try not to sneeze when you have bruised ribs. 😵‍💫🥴

    (I’m mostly fine, it turns out. Just gonna be damn sore for a while.)

  • In this morning's edition of "Sir Dingus vs the Couch..."

  • March 16th -- How much do you edit as you write, and how much do you leave to the second draft?

    I generally try to only do spelling or grammar edits as I draft, saving anything deeper for revisions. I brought this with me from my day job doing marketing writing.

    That said, this novel is literally my first foray into fiction writing...so who knows what my answer will be in 2 months. Or 6 months. Or 6 years... ... ... writing.exchange/@jessekelber/

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