I’ve been spending so much time, energy, and mental capacity on where to write about what that I haven’t had enough of those resources left to, you know, write. Anything.
I mean, I’ve been revising my novel, but other than that, nada.
That means the blog on my professional site, Strategic Narratives, hasn’t had a new post since well before the redesign went live. It also means my blog for all things miscellaneous floating around my brain, I Like How You Think, has been dormant for like a month. Add to this that I decided back in January to give Mastodon a try, god only knows why, so I’ve been neglecting the only platform I actually like being on, Micro.blog.
OK, so I’ve already changed cross-posting to go the other way, so new stuff will start here on M.B. (Does anyone know if there’s a way to only send non-titled posts? Like NOT this one, which I’ll have to delete once it crosses over, which is awkward). Next up, I will start posting the essays that were going on ILHYT here on M.B instead. If they get enough traction, I’ll up my plan so I can start sending posts out as newsletters, as well.
This setup will let me post more personal ramblings that I was keeping off ILHYT (no clue why, it’s not like I have dozens of subscribers).
This last one is key. I’ve been writing a lot on paper that I read through and think someone else might get something out of, but haven’t had anywhere to post it. I mean, I always had M.B…never mind, now I’m just confusing myself.
Stay tuned for more ramblings!